MediaWiki API result
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{ "batchcomplete": "", "continue": { "lecontinue": "20201004215144|689", "continue": "-||" }, "query": { "logevents": [ { "logid": 699, "ns": 0, "title": "Erz\u00e4hl's weiter", "pageid": 0, "logpage": 90, "params": {}, "type": "delete", "action": "delete", "user": "Thai", "timestamp": "2024-06-01T08:59:10Z", "comment": "content was: \"test\", and the only contributor was \"[[Special:Contributions/Thai|Thai]]\" ([[User talk:Thai|talk]])" }, { "logid": 698, "ns": 0, "title": "Erz\u00e4hl's weiter", "pageid": 0, "logpage": 90, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Thai", "timestamp": "2024-06-01T08:59:03Z", "comment": "Created page with \"test\"" }, { "logid": 697, "ns": 8, "title": "MediaWiki:Aboutpage", "pageid": 89, "logpage": 89, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Thai", "timestamp": "2022-01-03T15:59:37Z", "comment": "Created page with \"-\"" }, { "logid": 696, "ns": 8, "title": "MediaWiki:About", "pageid": 88, "logpage": 88, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Thai", "timestamp": "2022-01-03T15:59:13Z", "comment": "Created page with \"-\"" }, { "logid": 695, "ns": 4, "title": "Tweeki:About", "pageid": 0, "logpage": 16, "params": {}, "type": "delete", "action": "delete", "user": "Thai", "timestamp": "2022-01-03T15:59:04Z", "comment": "content was: \"{{#tweekihide:sidebar}} Tweeki is based on Garrett LeSage's [ Strapping] and was originally developed 2013-15 by Tobias Haider for the [ Skriptenforum] project with financial support by [ Netidee].\", and the only contributor was \"[[Special:Contributions/Thai|Thai]]\" ([[User talk:Thai|talk]])" }, { "logid": 694, "ns": 0, "title": "Caveats", "pageid": 0, "logpage": 40, "params": {}, "type": "delete", "action": "delete", "user": "Thai", "timestamp": "2021-12-30T11:36:06Z", "comment": "content was: \"__TOC__ === Missing Features === === SkinTemplateToolboxEnd hook === Tweeki does not implement the [ SkinTemplateToolboxEnd] hook! Please use (the newer and future proof) [ BaseTemplateToolbox] hook instead!\", and the only contributor was \"[[Special:Contributions/Thai|Thai]]\" ([[User talk:Thai|talk]])" }, { "logid": 693, "ns": 112, "title": "smw/schema:Group:Predefined properties", "pageid": 87, "logpage": 87, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "", "anon": "", "timestamp": "2020-11-22T19:03:31Z", "comment": "Semantic MediaWiki group import" }, { "logid": 692, "ns": 112, "title": "smw/schema:Group:Schema properties", "pageid": 86, "logpage": 86, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "", "anon": "", "timestamp": "2020-11-22T19:03:31Z", "comment": "Semantic MediaWiki group import" }, { "logid": 691, "ns": 0, "title": "Navigation", "pageid": 20, "logpage": 20, "params": { "curid": 694, "previd": 693, "auto": "" }, "type": "patrol", "action": "autopatrol", "user": "Thai", "timestamp": "2020-11-06T08:04:36Z", "comment": "" }, { "logid": 690, "ns": 0, "title": "Navigation", "pageid": 20, "logpage": 20, "params": { "curid": 693, "previd": 584, "auto": "" }, "type": "patrol", "action": "autopatrol", "user": "Thai", "timestamp": "2020-11-06T08:04:24Z", "comment": "" } ] } }