Here you can find all messages (and their defaults) that can be easily customized by editing the respective pages:
Mediawiki:Tweeki-navbar-brand: Tweeki
- Content of the "brand" link.
Mediawiki:Tweeki-navbar-left: empty
- Content of the left side of the navbar.
Mediawiki:Tweeki-navbar-right: SEARCH,TOOLBOX,PERSONAL
- Content of the right side of the navbar.
Mediawiki:Tweeki-navbar-class: navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top
- Classes to use for the navbar. For further possibilities see
Mediawiki:Tweeki-subnav: SIDEBAR
- Content of the sub navigation. Set to "-" to not show a sub navigation.
Mediawiki:Tweeki-sidebar: EDIT-EXT,TOC
- Content of the sidebar.
- Additional content for the footer - will be placed between the standard text footers and the icon footers. Name to use for the hiding mechanisms provided by Tweeki:
Edit Section Button
You can customize the appearance of the edit section button with system messages. You can also use customized CSS to change aligning etc. Tweeki's default button should look like this: <button wrapper="" class="btn btn-default btn-xs"> Edit Section|</button>
Mediawiki:Tweeki-editsection-text: Edit section
- Text for the Edit Section Button
Mediawiki:Tweeki-editsection-class: btn btn-default btn-xs
- Classes to use for the Edit Section Button
- Icon to insert into the Edit Section Button
Link Customization
Mediawiki:Tweeki-login: Log in / Create account
- Text used for the login link.
Mediawiki:Tweeki-toolbox: empty
- Custom link content for toolbox dropdown. (e.g.
<i class="icon icon-cog"></i>
Mediawiki:Tweeki-edit-ext: Edit $1
- Text for the EDIT-EXT button