From Tweeki
4.39.2 (2025-03-14)
Bug Fixes
- removing code for older MW versions
- fix PHP warning undefined array key "edit", fixes #275
- Fixed bug with tweekihideexcept parser function (thanks, Jyosua)
- remove deprecated use of "self" in callables, fixes #265
4.39.1 (2024-07-02)
Bug Fixes
- fix for custom edit section links
- fix for missing parser output type, fixes #272
4.39.0 (2024-06-23)
Bug Fixes
- fix for scroll-padding without toc
- Replace calls to removed/deprecated functions, fixes #268
- deprecated ResourceLoaderSkinModule, fixes #270
- disable NUMBEREDHEADINGS feature, no longer supported by MW, fixes #273
2.0.3 (2023-07-17)
Bug Fixes
- fix for padding and offset with scrollspy, fixes #255
- implementing new tab classes to make wgTweekiSkinImagePageTOCTabs work again, fixes #246
- styles for new styling of page title
- remove default styles for toc
- use formedit as default for edit buttons, fixes #253
- fix for legacy styles
2.0.2 (2023-01-08)
New Features
- property as link txt for semantic navigational dropdowns
parser function
Bug Fixes
- fix for sidebars when using subnav
- fix for oo-ui icons in input fields
- fix for edisection link with visual editor
- fix for full width content
- Fix: Tweeki skin constructor must call parent (thanks, jdlrobson)
- Fix: Avoid deprecation warnings in 1.39 (thanks, jdlrobson)
- Fix "Call to undefined method User::isWatched()" on MediaWiki 1.38+ (thanks, Universal-Omega)
- fix for ui buttons
- checkbox in login form
- improvement for sticky sidebar, fixes #238
- improvement for upload description, fixes #241
- replacing deprecated User::getOption, fixes #250
2.0.1 (2022-01-12)
Bug Fixes
- Fixes for WikiEditor's modals
- fix for SIDEBAR
2.0.0 (2022-01-03)
Breaking Changes
- uses Bootstrap 4 by default, Bootstrap 3 is not supported any more
1.2.7 (2021-12-30)
Bug Fixes
- replace deprecated User::isLoggedIn
1.2.6 (2021-11-07)
New Features
to use image instead of generic user icon- Updating Font Awesome to 5.15.4
Bug Fixes
- Integration with ConfirmAccount extension
- Fixes for sidebars
1.2.5 (2021-09-28)
Bug Fixes
- Fixes for
- Fixes for webpack setup
1.2.3 (2021-08-22)
Bug Fixes
- deprecated
for the navbarmw-collapsibles
in cards- fix for login link
- deprecated
1.2.2 (2021-06-03)
New Features
to completely customize the navbar- new navigational element
Bug Fixes
- remove deprecated use of getToolbox() (#182)
- rewriting use of Parser::getTitle() (#186)
- Fix checking for skin within onParserFirstCallInit (thanks, paladox!)
1.2.1 (2021-01-03)
New Features
configuration parameter to enableICONWATCH
configuration parameter to display a user's real name instead of the user name in links to the user's page{{#tweekirealname:}}
parser function to show a user's real name if available- Body Classes for states (#162)
Bug Fixes
- remove deprecated ways of getting the parser (#181)
- remove whitespace in sidebar on small screen sizes (#179)
- run hooks only if tweeki is actually used (#178)
- Accordions for BS4
- Improvement for empty semantic dropdowns
1.2.0 (2020-11-15)
v1.2.0 introduces Bootstrap 4 as opt-in preference option.
New Features
configuration parameter to enable Bootstrap 4$wgTweekiSkinUseExternallinkStyles
configuration parameter$wgTweekiSkinCustomScriptModule
configuration parameter$wgTweekiSkinCustomStyleModule
configuration parameter
- the default for
changed from[ 'firstHeading' ]
to[ 'firstHeading', 'sidebar-right' ]
- the
configuration option has been removed
1.1.3 (2020-11-15)
Bug Fixes
- use HtmlArmor for SkinEditSectionLinks (#154)
- disabling parser cache the new way (#165)
- importing legacy styles (#166)
- replace deprecated setupSkinUserCss with BeforePageDisplay hook (#170)
- improve namespace formatting in titles to allow with namespaces (#168)
- Remove deprecated `background-image-svg()` mixin calls (thanks to Volker-E for Pull request #171!)
1.1.2 (2020-10-04)
Bug Fixes
- Remove deprecated disableCache() function (#163)
- Replacing deprecated call of Skin::addToBodyAttributes() (Thanks Ammarpad for Pull request #161!)
- Edit keyboard shortcut wasn't working (#159)
1.1.1 (2020-04-06)
Bug Fixes
- Fix for semantic queries in navigation
- fixed shadow in ooui buttons
- allow class attribute in accordion tag (#133)
- style save button as btn-primary
- Fix for page titles
- print the content of accordions
- Fix for scrollspy (#139)
- Fix for headings
- Pull request #149 (Thanks, paladox!)
- allow return as divider in navigational messages (#2)
- Pull requests #155, #156, #157 (Thanks to samwilson, Ammarpad, and Volker-E!)
New Features
parser function- Headers in Dropdown Menus are now possible
- requires MediaWiki 1.31+ now
- Bootstrap updated to v3.4.1
1.1.0 (2019-02-11)
Bug Fixes
wasn't working any more (#131)- MW 1.32 introduced a new
that needed to be hidden in#TweekiTOC
(#126) - namespace logic fixed (#130) – thanks to RibShark!
- hardcoded URL in TweekiTemplate (#128) – thanks to ajquick!
- remove deprecated translator->translate()
- Replace deprecated wfRunHooks()
- Fix for IconWatch
New Features
- introduced
configuration parameter and the possibility to manage the watchlist via a star icon (navigational elementICONWATCH
- File and directory structure was changed to be similar to Vector's
- Font Awesome updated to v5.7.1
1.0.5 (2018-09-01)
Bug Fixes
- Replacement of editsection links was applied to other skins as well
- Javascript for moving the TOC and showing 'to top' links didn't work with MW 1.30 (#100)
- critical: XSS vulnerability in search box (#104) – thanks to npdoty for reporting and providing a patch!
- Replacement of deprecated hook for edit section links
- CSS fixes for breadcrumbs
- Javascript fixes for scrolling in VisualEditor
- Links in headers were unintentionally removed
- Problems with RTL in navigation
New Features
- Support for using MediaWiki's standard table of contents at the top of the page
- Custom edit section links are no longer invasive and optional now
- Additional Body Classes configuration option
parser function- Support for Bootstrap carousels
navigational element including link to the site's recent changes
Documentation Changes
- How-to for standard TOC added
- configuration option and messages for customized edit section links added/amended
- How-to for adding custom CSS updated
- Code examples for Carousels
added to list of navigational elements
1.0.4 (2017-04-12)
Bug Fixes
- Scrollspy should work now also in Safari and Chrome
New Features
- Configuration for hiding of navigational elements has been rewritten to use associative arrays.
- Hiding via hook has now been properly implemented.
- The username in the personal dropdown now has it's own span element and class
that can be used for styling or hiding __NUMBERED HEADINGS__
Magic Word had been included to allow for fine grained control of automatic heading numbering- Use the
<TOC />
tag to place a copy of the table of contents anywhere on your page.
Documentation Changes
- Documentation for configuration options for hiding of navigational elements updated
- How-to for using an image as logo added
- Footer Examples added
- Documentation for SkinTweekiCheckVisibility hook added
1.0.3 (2017-01-27)
Bug fixes
- navigational element
should work now also in subnav and all other places than sidebar - breakpoint for sidebar was wrong
- path for bootstrap-theme was fixed, should now work again (it's loaded by default)
should work again$wgTweekiImagePageTOCTabs
has been renamed to$wgTweekiSkinImagePageTOCTabs
- footer reconfiguration after tab toggling
New Features
- Offsets and widths for the main layout can now be configured.
Documentation Changes
- Setup for added
- Setup for added
- Documentation for Tooltips added
- Documentation for Grids added
1.0.2 (2016-10-22)
- requires MediaWiki 1.25+ now (extension registration)
- Bootstrap updated to v3.3.7
- Font Awesome updated to v4.6.3