Add your custom body classes. You can use the <code><nowiki>{{#tweekibodyclasses}}</nowiki></code> parser function to add classes per page or via a template call. And you can also use the <code>SkinTweekiAdditionalBodyClasses</code> hook.
Whether or not to use customized edit section links. If true you can specify an icon, the text and css classes for the edit links placed next to section headings.
In order to prevent abuse, only elements listed in this array are allowed to be hidden by the <code>{{#tweekihide}}</code> parser function. Add new elements with <code>$wgTweekiSkinHideable[] = 'subnav';</code>.
This variable can be used to hide elements from everybody. The <code><nowiki>{{#tweekihide}}</nowiki></code> parser function will add to this array. Attention: Only hiding of elements that are also listed in <code>$wgTweekiSkinHideable</code> will actually be put into effect.
Use this to hide an element for everybody except those belonging to any of the groups specified. Usage: <code>$wgTweekiSkinHideExcept[ELEMENT] = [GROUPS];</code>, e.g. <code>$wgTweekiSkinHideExcept['sidebar-right'] = ['sysop'];</code> to show the right sidebar only to sysops (i.e. administrators).
Use this variable to change the layout of the navbar. Replace the value with the name of a custom function - use <code>TweekiTemplate::renderNavbar()</code> in <code>includes/TweekiTemplate.php</code> as a template to build your own navbar layout.
Add to this array to create customized buttons, the array's key is the keyword for the navigational element to be used in navbars, subnav, sidebar, or footer, the value is the name of a callback function. This function will be called with the skin object as argument and should return either an array of buttons or a string that can be parsed as buttons.
Use this variable to change the default page layout. Replace the value with the name of a custom function - use <code>TweekiTemplate::renderPage()</code> in <code>includes/TweekiTemplate.php</code> as a template to build your own layout.
Use this array to add completely arbitrary code into navbars, subnav, sidebar, or footer. The value again is a callback function you need to create. It will be called with two arguments, the skin object and the context as a string (navbar-left, navbar-right, subnav, sidebar, footer). The function should directly print the html you want to have.