
From Tweeki
Revision as of 14:05, 25 February 2015 by Thai (talk | contribs) (→‎Add custom CSS)
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Show navigation or parts of it only for logged in users

Just add the navigational sections and elements you want to hide for anonymous users to the $wgTweekiSkinHideAnon array in LocalSettings.php, e.g.

$wgTweekiSkinHideAnon = array( 'navbar' );

Add links to the footer

You can either use Mediawiki's default mechanisms or you can add your own link or any navigational section or element by placing it in Mediawiki:Tweeki-footer.


Add custom CSS

One possibility is to create your own extension. Place a CSS file in your extension directory. Then in your extension setup file create a Resource Module and add it to $wgTweekiSkinCustom:

$wgResourceModules['x.MYEXTENSION.styles'] = array(
  'styles' => array(
		'screen.css' => array( 'media' => 'screen' )
  'localBasePath' => __DIR__,
  'remoteExtPath' => 'MYEXTENSION',

$wgTweekiSkinCustomCSS[] = 'x.MYEXTENSION.styles';

Attention! Your CSS file will be included via Ressource Loader. As the mechanism seems to sort the files in alphabetical order and you want your stylings to be loaded last (in order to overwrite default stylings) chose a name for your Resource Module accordingly (e.g. start with an 'x' as in the example).