Setup for

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Revision as of 11:33, 30 December 2021 by Thai (talk | contribs) (→‎Extensions)
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The configuration for this website is pretty standard and only very few changes had to be made:



require_once( "$IP/skins/Tweeki/Tweeki.php" ); // load skin
$wgDefaultSkin = "tweeki"; // make it the default

// set permissions: this is read-only for the general public
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;

// make 'sidebar-right' hideable with the #tweekihide parser function
// (used on the main page)
$wgTweekiSkinHideable[] = 'sidebar-right'; 

// hide the edit button as well as the subnavigation (containing the toolbox 
// and personal links for editors) for anonymous users
$wgTweekiSkinHideAnon['EDIT-EXT'] = true;  
$wgTweekiSkinHideAnon['subnav'] = true;

// hide the standard footer icons for everybody
$wgTweekiSkinHideAnon['subnav'] = true;

// use tooltip functionality
$wgTweekiSkinUseTooltips = true;


for all changed Tweeki messages and their defaults see full list, or the complete list of all changed system messages

Installation,Configuration,*Configuration Options,*Messages,*Parser Functions,*Hooks, *Custom Styling,*Preferences,Components,*{{#ask:[[Category:Components]]}},How-Tos,Changelog


Semantic MediaWiki has been installed via composer:

composer require mediawiki/semantic-media-wiki "~3.1" --update-no-dev